From Insights to Actions: How AI is Redefining Revenue Operations

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If a SaaS company doesn’t have AI in their description in 2023, does it even exist? Ok, all jokes aside, the bridge between data-driven insights and actionable strategies is more crucial than ever for RevOps teams. In this session, Pete Kazanjy (Co-Founder & CRO @ Atrium, Founder @ Modern Sales Pros) will elaborate on the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence in Revenue Operations. As the traditional boundaries of the revenue function blur, AI emerges as the catalyst driving seamless integration and optimized decision-making.

Session takeaways:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how AI tools and techniques are reshaping the RevOps framework.
  • Discover actionable strategies to harness the predictive power of AI, turning insights into tangible outcomes.
  • Explore real-world case studies where AI-driven RevOps strategies led to game-changing results.

Join us to unearth the future of RevOps, where AI not only offers insights but empowers RevOps to quickly take action.

Pete Kazanjy, MSP and Atrium

  • OpsStars 2023
About the Author
Chengxin Tan

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