Resource Center

All the authoritative go-to-market content you need to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your revenue teams

Video Managing Long Filter Lists
Managing Long Filter Lists

Learn how to simplify the management of long exclusion lists in LeanData by leveraging data table routing functionality. This tutorial...

Video Force Matches to Specific Accounts
Force Matches to Specific Accounts

Learn how to handle special matching scenarios in LeanData by using variables and data tables to force matches to specific subsets of accounts

Video Adding Edges for Routing Prioritization
Adding Edges for Routing Prioritization

Discover how to prioritize urgent records in LeanData by adjusting entry edges in your routing graph.

Video Automatically Remove Users Who Miss SLAs from Pools
Automatically Remove Users Who Miss SLAs from Pools

Learn how to automatically add and remove users from round robin pools as well as update user records in LeanData.

Video Add an Incremental Counter Field to your Records
Add an Incremental Counter Field to your Records

Learn how to set up a Data Table to increment a counter field every time a record passes through a routing graph.

Video Don’t Notify if Routing to Same Owner
Don’t Notify if Routing to Same Owner

When routing existing records through a LeanData, you may end up assigning a record to the User who already owns it. You may want to prevent unnecessary notifications when there are no net ownership changes.

Video How to Assign Records to an Unavailable Pool Member’s Manager
How to Assign Records to an Unavailable Pool Member’s Manager

When a Round Robin Pool member is unavailable, the other members of the Pool will typically be the backup. But if you want a different User — such as the intended recipient’s manager — to be the backup instead, here is a way to set up your graph to make that assignment.

Video Creating Notification Snippets with Variables
Creating Notification Snippets with Variables

Update notifications with ease by using variables to create and manage notification snippets throughout your graph.

Video Reporting on Specific Graph Branches
Reporting on Specific Graph Branches

Have you ever needed to provide reporting on specific graph branches to determine how many records passed through certain points of your Routing Graph? Here is how you can set up your LeanData graph to capture that data in an easily reportable way.

Video Manage Volume with Recurring Routing Jobs
Manage Volume with Recurring Routing Jobs

When you manage volume with recurring routing jobs in LeanData, you leave room to prioritize more time-sensitive routing first

Video Get Started Quickly by Using Routing Templates
Get Started Quickly by Using Routing Templates

Setting up your graph? Get started quickly by using Routing Templates in LeanData to solve for some common routing use cases.

Video Referencing a Prior Value in Routing
Referencing a Prior Value in Routing

Need a way to remember and reference what a value was before LeanData updated it? Learn how to reference pre-routing values in notifications.