
Speed Wins: How Speed to Lead Creates a Sustainable Competitive Advantage

When it comes to the go-to-market (GTM) race for your customer, your speed to lead – your lead response time – is often the single most important factor in winning or losing. Simply put, speed wins!

There are no second-place consolation prizes in your Sales and Marketing motions. Your company won’t reach its objectives and your representatives won’t hit quota by finishing second.

In the infographic, “Speed wins!,” learn the speed to lead stats every GTM professional should know, the common challenges in building a quick speed to lead, and tactical ways to optimize your speed to lead.

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  • Digital Transformation
  • Information Technology
  • Lead Management
  • Lead Response Time
  • Lead Routing
  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • Revenue Orchestration
  • Sales
  • Speed to Lead

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