
The Rise of Revenue Operations

Operations roles within sales, marketing and customer success have become so pervasive in B2B that sometimes we forget how new they are. Yet modern Ops are relatively novel – and still evolving.

LeanData has had a front-row seat to this evolution, and right now we are witnessing the next major evolutionary advance, detailed here in the State of Revenue Operations 2019 – the largest study ever conducted on the fast-emerging Revenue Operations (RevOps) model.

Historically, organizations implementing operations have typically done so within organizational silos – hence, Ops in Sales, Ops in Marketing and Ops in Customer Success.

But, as these dedicated functions evolved, we started noticing that our most successful customers had Ops teams that worked closely together across organizational boundaries and with a more holistic view of the revenue engine.

Why Revenue Operations is on a roll

In nearly all organizations, SalesOps and MarketingOps functions still exist – and will not go away. However, the teams they belong to no longer solely identify themselves as sales or marketing. And instead, they have begun to adopt a more unified and inclusive team identity: RevOps. Many companies now have a “virtual alignment” of their Ops functions, however a growing number are centralizing all Ops functions into a standalone RevOps team with a dedicated leader.

We see RevOps as a natural evolution for Ops personnel and assets to coalesce into a strategic group with a singular focus on driving revenue. It’s about breaking down the barriers between sales and marketing, and aligning Ops functions across the revenue chain to most efficiently power growth.

LeanData’s role in RevOps is also a natural extension of our core mission to empower Ops teams to make the revenue engine more efficient through data, automation and analytics. The essential foundation for any high-functioning RevOps function is the well-orchestrated people, processes and data behind it.

I have to say that it’s a privilege to work daily with customers who are pioneering RevOps in their companies and experiencing an early-mover advantage marked by impressive growth. Okta’s 50%+ y/y revenue growth and Carbon Black’s 60%+ y/y growth in its cloud business are just two that come to mind.

It’s also been a privilege to collaborate with top B2B market analysts like SiriusDecisions and TOPO in spotlighting RevOps as the new model for growth in B2B.

We’re excited to share the latest findings in our State of Revenue Operations 2019 report, which is based on a survey of nearly 2,500 B2B sales and marketing professionals. We hope it provides valuable insights for high-growth B2B companies, regardless of where they are on their RevOps journey. (Spoiler alert: RevOps is real, it’s big and getting bigger, fast.)

Finally, it’s our hope that Ops professionals themselves find the report valuable on their own professional journeys. This is a great time to be an Ops professional, and your ability to lead the RevOps charge within your organization will only make your role even more strategic in the years to come.

Click here to download the report.

  • revenue operations
About the Author
Evan Liang
Co-Founder & CEO at LeanData