BookIt Links: Getting Started for Administrators

Everything you need to know to set your organization up with BookIt Links!

*If you are not an Administrator, check out our Getting Started Guide for users here

Authorize Users

If you’re new to BookIt, you’ll need to authorize users. If you’re already using BookIt for Forms or BookIt Handoff, you’ll need to grant your users with BookIt Links Product Access.

Authorizing Users
man using a laptop to set up users in LeanData BookIt Links

Review Best Practices

This one pager will go over our recommended best practices you can take to ensure a smooth setup for your users.

Best Practices
list of best practices for LeanData BookIt Links

Inform Your Team

The last thing to do is let everyone know about BookIt Links! This email template can be used to share the news. It covers the basics, just add in any specifics to your organization.

Email Template
An automated email message sent from a LeanData admin

Get Your Users Started

Our BookIt Links User Guide includes step by step video tutorials for your teams. Send them this resource and they’ll be ready to go in no time!

User Guide
LeanData BookIt Links scheduling software

Additional Resources

For more detailed information, check out the complete Admin Guide