The Next Evolution of ABM

Dealing with MQLs doesn’t give you the full view of an account, and working only accounts doesn’t set you up with the right people.

Talk to a Buying Groups Expert


Trusted by 1,000+ companies of all sizes

Leads are too small.
Accounts are too broad.
Buying Groups are just right.

Utilize the data you already have to engage all of the right people on the buying committee before they torpedo the deal. LeanData unlocks the magic that is an opportunity-centric model, by utilizing the industry’s best matching and routing capabilities.

The Proof is in the Porridge.

a blue hand graphic figure with the palm open and a green circle representing money above it

Increased Conversions

“Delivering a verified Buying Group to sales results in a 20% to 50% improvement in conversation rates.” (Forrester)

two blue graphic figures representing people with green speech bubbles above their heads

Better Experience

“67% of companies that implement a structured Buying Group motion observed an improvement in customer experience metrics.”(Gartner)

two blue figures representing people with arrows around them in a circular motion

Faster Sales Cycle

“Businesses report a 30% reduction in the sales cycle when using Opportunity-focused strategies.”(HubSpot)

And you can do it in LeanData.

The Opportunity object acts like a container tied to a solution. It has the ability to hold multiple contacts from a Buying Group. This object not only reflects how sellers think, it matches how buyers buy.

Unlock the power of buying groups

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