
Automated Meeting Scheduling Delivers Your Best First Impression

As the saying goes, “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.” Thankfully for B2B marketers and sellers, there’s automated meeting scheduling, a mission-critical tech stack essential.

Automated meeting scheduling automates the scheduling process for visitors to your website. Integrated within your site, automated meeting scheduling empowers site users — your customers — to immediately schedule meetings with the most appropriate representative.

Just a few years ago, companies considered automated meeting scheduling a “nice to have.” Now, the category has a new level of prominence for one simple reason: Customers want it that way.

There’s a New B2B Buyer and a New B2B Buying Journey

Buyers’ experiences with B2C buying journeys over the past decade impact today’s B2B buying journeys.

In their personal lives, in their B2C journeys, buyers enjoy — and value — friction-free experiences. However, at work, in their B2B buying journeys, they run into friction from almost the moment they start. 

In fact, according to TrustRadius, virtually 100 percent of B2B buyers want to self-serve part or all of their buying journeys. Somewhere along the buying journey, though, your buyer will look to engage, and if that request to connect, human-to-human, is mishandled, your buyer’s poor experience just might cost you the deal.

Enter automated meeting scheduling to save the day (and the buyer journey)!

Automated Meeting Scheduling Delivers Best First Impression

Self-service buying journeys mean buyers push back engaging directly with a company’s representatives until they absolutely, positively have to. It’s at that precise moment where the proverbial rubber meets the road for B2B revenue teams. If your company mishandles customer outreach, it leaves a lasting negative perception and poses a real threat to closing the deal.

First, traditional scheduling requires a customer to complete an online form. Then, the fun, or rather, the lack of fun, begins. The submission of the form initiates a process of phone calls, voice mails and emails to nail down a meeting date and time. In a busy world that seems to only get busier and busier, the scheduling process often entails a numbing amount of back-and-forth — just to schedule a meeting.

Who would blame a customer for cutting bait and fishing elsewhere?

Automated meeting scheduling solutions, like LeanData’s BookIt, flip the script. Now, when a customer completes a form, the solution immediately works through the business’s particular custom logic to pull up the calendar for the very best representative to meet the customer’s needs.

The customer selects the date and time that works best for them, on their own terms. Then, the meeting is booked. Notifications go out to the appropriate parties and all potential back-and-forth scheduling nightmares are averted. 

Plus, the customer’s expectations are met or exceeded on an important step in their buying journey. 

Automated Meeting Scheduling is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

Automated scheduling delivers more than an improved customer experience, allowing site visitors to quickly and easily schedule appointments at their convenience. Additional benefits include:

  • Increased productivity. Quick scheduling resolution eliminates all back-and-forth communication to schedule appointments, allowing an organization’s sales and service reps to take on and complete more value-added activities.
  • Optimal allocation of internal resources. Customizable scheduling logic optimizes individual calendars and reduces scheduling conflicts. 
  • Reduced number of missed meetings. Automated confirmations, including reminders and other pre-meeting collateral, decrease missed appointments. 
  • Operational improvement. Aggregated data delivers insights on a variety of customer-centric metrics, fueling the continuous improvement of communication strategies and meeting scheduling execution.

Start Off Your Engagement With Customers on the Right Foot

Traditional meeting scheduling is rife with friction, and onerous for both customers and a company alike. Automating manual processes puts power into the hands of customers, allowing them to immediately schedule meetings to further advance their journeys with an organization. 

Critically, automated scheduling eliminates unnecessary time delays in a response to customer inquiries. Customers’ expectations are met or exceeded as they, themselves, set the meeting time. And, most importantly to the company, no inquiry ever gets lost or mishandled.

Find out more about automated meeting scheduling by using BookIt today to schedule your meeting with a LeanData representative!

  • Automated business meeting scheduling
  • Automated Meeting Scheduling
About the Author
Ray Hartjen

Ray Hartjen is an experienced writer for the tech industry and published author. You can connect with Ray on both LinkedIn & Twitter.