Resource Center

All the authoritative go-to-market content you need to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your revenue teams

Webinar Revvin’ Up Your Revenue – List Analyzer
Revvin’ Up Your Revenue – List Analyzer

Gain insights on how leveraging our List Analyzer function can help generate more revenue for your organization in this installment of LeanData's Revvin' Up Your Revenue.

Webinar Revvin’ Up Your Revenue — Clean Databases
Revvin’ Up Your Revenue — Clean Databases

In this installment of LeanData's Revvin' Up Your Revenue series, you'll learn how cleaning your database can help drive more revenue for your organization.

Webinar Revvin’ Up Your Revenue — Assigning Accounts
Revvin’ Up Your Revenue — Assigning Accounts

In this installment of LeanData's Revvin' Up Your Revenue series, you'll learn how assigning accounts can help drive more revenue for your organization.

Webinar Revvin’ Up Your Revenue — Account Teams
Revvin’ Up Your Revenue — Account Teams

In this installment of LeanData's Revvin' Up Your Revenue series, you'll learn how mapping to account teams can help drive more revenue for your organization.

Webinar Finding Hidden Revenue with AI and Efficient Lead Routing
Finding Hidden Revenue with AI and Efficient Lead Routing

Join LeanData and Conversica for this on-demand webinar to gain insight on how combining AI and intelligent lead management can boost revenue.

Webinar Why Cleaning Your CRM Won’t Work
Why Cleaning Your CRM Won’t Work

Join TOPO's Craig Rosenberg and LeanData’s Brett Rogers as they explore why data stays dirty even after cleaning, developing processes for incoming data, and using data to drive ABM.

Webinar Creating an Efficient Funnel — An Executive Panel
Creating an Efficient Funnel — An Executive Panel

This executive panel features 4 industry professionals sharing their personal experiences with using LeanData's innovative solution to bridge the lead-to-account gap as well as how it aided them in pi

Webinar Connecting Data to People Across any Go-to-Market Model: ABM and Inbound
Connecting Data to People Across any Go-to-Market Model: ABM and Inbound

LeanData's Kevin Au (Head of Training) and Satarupa Chatterjee (Director of Product Marketing) elaborate on the best practices in terms of implementing a mix of varying GTM strategies.

Webinar 7 Hidden Shortfalls in Your Customer Experience (And How You Can Fix Them)
7 Hidden Shortfalls in Your Customer Experience (And How You Can Fix Them)

Evan Liang (CEO of LeanData) and Craig Rosenberg (Cofounder and Chief Analyst of TOPO) explore the top customer-first GTM strategies that perfect buyer experience and ultimately boost the bottom line.

Solution Brief Deduplication & Handling Junk Leads
Deduplication & Handling Junk Leads

Find out how LeanData's best-in-class matching and routing solutions can help you eliminate duplicate and junk leads.

Solution Brief Round Robin Lead Assignments With LeanData
Round Robin Lead Assignments With LeanData

LeanData allows companies to set up multiple, robust round robins to support all routing rules for your leads, contacts accounts and management.

Solution Brief Opportunity Routing With LeanData
Opportunity Routing With LeanData

LeanData's robust routing solution helps you ensure that all Salesforce objects are easily and automatically routed to sales team members based on your custom business rules.