Resource Center

All the authoritative go-to-market content you need to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your revenue teams

Solution Brief Time-Based Routing
Time-Based Routing

With LeanData's Time-based Routing, you can schedule the routing of objects or automate actions such as creating new objects and notifying sales reps.

Solution Brief SLA Automation & Tracking
SLA Automation & Tracking

Find out how LeanData's SLA automation and tracking can help you accelerate speed to lead in this data sheet.

Solution Brief Scaling Enterprise Growth: LeanData Routing With Multi-Graph
Scaling Enterprise Growth: LeanData Routing With Multi-Graph

LeanData’s Multi-Graph solution grants each BU the autonomy to create and manage its own GTM flow, without impacting the flows of other units.

Solution Brief LeanData & Salesloft Integration
LeanData & Salesloft Integration

Increase speed to lead by automatically engaging prospects through LeanData's integration with Salesloft. Download the data sheet to learn more!

Solution Brief LeanData & Slack Integration
LeanData & Slack Integration

Accelerate your speed to lead with instant and automatic notifications with LeanData's integration with Slack. Download the data sheet to learn more now!

Solution Brief Deduplication & Handling Junk Leads
Deduplication & Handling Junk Leads

Find out how LeanData's best-in-class matching and routing solutions can help you eliminate duplicate and junk leads.

Solution Brief Round Robin Lead Assignments With LeanData
Round Robin Lead Assignments With LeanData

LeanData allows companies to set up multiple, robust round robins to support all routing rules for your leads, contacts accounts and management.

Solution Brief Opportunity Routing With LeanData
Opportunity Routing With LeanData

LeanData's robust routing solution helps you ensure that all Salesforce objects are easily and automatically routed to sales team members based on your custom business rules.

Solution Brief Automate Routing Based on Sales Territories
Automate Routing Based on Sales Territories

Find out how LeanData's Territory Management system can help you set up and maintain your sales team's territory mappings with ease.

Solution Brief LeanData Contact Management
LeanData Contact Management

Your contacts can provide information on buying signals sent out by Accounts. Find out how LeanData can maximize the impact of your contacts in this solution brief.

Solution Brief LeanData Lead-to-Account Matching
LeanData Lead-to-Account Matching

LeanData's top-notch fuzzy matching algorithm is designed to help you look beneath the surface and match leads to accounts based on multiple fields beyond basic email domains.